Ginger Relieves Stomach Pain to Arthritis

Ginger Benefits
  • Can protect the digestive system by reducing gastric acidity (raise pH), reduce gastric acid secretion but increases the digestive enzyme activity. 
  • Ginger can reduce inflammation in arthritis by inhibiting production of prostaglandins (hormones in the body that trigger inflammation), also help to expedite the disposal of waste food because gingeol 
  • In ginger may affect the increased secretion of bile that would activate intestinal peristalsis, also reduces the risk of atherosclerosis by inhibiting blood clotting process.
  • In addition, ginger to overcome motion sickness, dizziness and nausea, reduce bloating and rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain or 1-2 g fresh ginger powder, or 1.25 cm slices of fresh ginger, or ginger supplements 250 mg four times daily. 
  • Ginger can brewed and drunk as tea, three times daily or as needed each four hours. Ginger tea is also good to relieve the uncomfortable reaction Consequently cough or flu. If you use ginger supplements confirm in writing contains gingerol and shogaol. And to reduce chest pain due to cough or flu, chew a little fresh ginger, ginger tea, or drink a teaspoon of honey ginger flavor was given a little water.

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